So... I'm sure the regular readers of this blog have noticed that we've been lacking in terms of content. A lot of that has to do with the fact that we're looking for full time summer jobs/ working on redoing the blog/ it's summer and we're chilling!

Anyway, this is going to be a random post but I want to put it up. So I was reading the New York Times and they had a piece on Alexa Chung's move to NY to "save MTV". Anyway so there's this shot of her with a vintage WWII Union Jack flag Curtain in the background and I LOVE it! So I'm posting this up for any of you that know where one can be found. I'm hoping to get a UK flag and a Canadian flag too for my big re-move to London. So keep those eyes peeled friends and let me know if you come across one!

Thanks xoxox

Update: Found a gorgeous Red Ensign Canadian flag from '57. Bidding on a UK flag. Now on the hunt for an American flag for my potential roommate (she can't be left out of the flag love).

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Keir said... @ March 21, 2011 3:32 PM

Check it out:

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