Hey everyone. We haven't been consistently updating the blog... mostly because many of us have found summer or career jobs and simply do not have the time to devote to the blog anymore :( the most awesome blog on the internet!
Last week we were out and about in Toronto as part of NXNE festival which really took a physical, emotional and psychological toll on us... mainly due to sleep deprivation. I have yet to regain my regular sleep pattern due to the demands of work and my wanting to be contribute to this bog as well. I think i've reached my breaking point (you know that point when you become hysterical and everything that unfolds around you is hilarious?).
Luckily tomorrow is Canada Day so I get the day off work... which means I can sleep till the afternoon. HOLLER! I was considering heading downtown and checking out the Jazz festival and maybe stopping by Holt Renfrew to get a custom blend of Prescriptives, but I'm sure I'll end up sleeping well into Wednesday evening.
As for Canada Celebrations, I don't think I'll be doing much. I've made tentative plans to go over to a friends place to smoke my Hookah and maybe a couple "bowls". I'm not sure if my family is doing anything though? If they do it'll either be dinner, downtown or fishing. I'm pretty sure it's going to rain though.
Anyway, I just wanted to check in, and update all of the faithful readers (and our new lovers too) on what's happening with the blog and why we keep coming and going.
As for the NXNE diary, we've still got two more diary entries to edit and upload... Look for those before Sunday. The two interviews (TARA and Crystal Antlers) have not even been looked at yet, so once those have been sorted out, we'll let you know.
Thanks for your support! - SLICE
Here's my longtime friend Angela attempting to do a throw for Day 4 of the NXNE festival... :) (we were so tired we were saying Day 5 and didn't pick up on that... P.S. Angela is awesome... I'm going to try and get her more involved with SLICE!)
We would really appreciate feedback from people that read the blog often or new visitors. What sorts of things you'd like to see more of, less of etc. (I.E. more video diaries and candids... less random posts like this lol).