Get ready to Decadance! (oh the magic of puns!)
While most upstanding Torontonians don’t frequently party Day n’ Night(literally) on a Thursday evening, the opportunity to do just that has been presented in the form of Decadence.
I’m so excited to see MSTRKRFT, The Bloody Beetroots, Crookers, Steve Aoki, and Perry Farrell that I pre-ordered my ticket on Ticketmaster weeks ago. Just last night, I received a text message from my younger brother asking me if I had purchased a ticket for an all-night rave party. “Perhaps,” was my simple response, to which he replied, “Dad has your ticket and he isn’t impressed”.
Great. I knew I should’ve used the print-your-own ticket option. Instead, I had the ticket mailed 4 hours south of where the event is occurring and where I presently live. All self-deprecating insults aside, I have a new crush on The Bloody Beetroots and their dirty mixes. I’m literally shoulder popping as I’m typing this because their beats are so crisp.
If you want to party from 9pm Thursday April 9th to 9am the next day, get your tickets for Decandence. Maybe my dad will be there with his dancing shoes on. MAYBE.

Woah.. that is gonna be an awesome event!
Yeah...hopefully I can get my ticket back from my Dad...haha
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