Okay, so I was watching Flashpoint just now, which of course is set and filmed in Toronto and is co-produced by CTV and CBS. So while I'm watching it, one of the cops on the show grabs my attention, and I think... woah!, he's HOT (the dude on the left...obviously). Then I stop and think... wait a minute, I know this guy!
So I'm trying to rack my brain to figure out where I know him from. I was convinced but not 100%, that I'd seen him before. I have one of THE worst memories, so I'm even surprised that I recognized his face. I couldn't think of any shows that I might have seen him on (after all the majority of the Flashpoint cast are Canadian), so I began to think that I must have gone to school with him or something (clearly, there was no other explanation). For about 20 minutes I was absolutely convinced that we had gone to highschool together and he must have been a year or two above me, which would explain why I recognized his face but didn't know him. Anyway, so I resolved myself to this new found knowledge and continued watching the program.
Then, it hit me. STUDENT BODIES!!!! I don't know HOW I remembered this, I hadn't seen an episode since like '97 and I had never watched it very often anyway. I can't even picture any of the characters faces. But it just popped into my head, literally... I just shout out... STUDENT BODIES! plucked from the clear blue sky. I had nothing to suggest that that's where I remembered him from. I still don't know why I thought of that show. So I googled it, flipped through the wiki cast and sure enough, there he potentially was. Mark Taylor of Student Bodies and Flashpoint. I couldn't believe it. I can't even find a picture of him in the Student Bodies Cast.
Now I'm just thinking about cognition and compartmentalization, memory and recognition. It's a strange and crazy thing.
I leave you now, with the Student Bodies intro

Whoaaaaa rewind!!!! :D
Hilarious, you just made my day! I totally remember that show. That guy was definitely a hottie.
Student Bahhhhdieeees!
There's a fan made page at myspace.com/marktaylorxiii and he's on imdb.com
What a style these men above have, specially the man in the right side, because he has the jacket I like, I think they are so fashion that's the thing they have a lot of women.m10m
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