Dr. Dog. They're awesome. If you like My Morning Jacket, Spoon and The Thrills then you'll love them. They're releasaing their 6th album Shame, Shame on the 6th of April and we're giving our readers a preview. It's stellar.

We featured this band over a year ago when Green Go Remix Project vol. 1 was making the rounds in Toronto. Their sweaty house party style gained attention amongst Southwestern Ontario's music scene and they followed up the buzz and excitment with their first full length album entitled Boarders which was released last April. More recently their song 'You know You Want it' was featured in an episode of the hilarious spy comedy 'Chuck'.
So a friend from university just posed a question on his facebook wall asking of our earliest memes which got me thinking. Then I recalled this little gem by a Canadian high schooler who recorded this video in his school studio over footage of the high school's basketball game. He left the tape at the school, which was eventually found by his fellow classmates who uploaded the video to the Internet. The video has been viewed approximately 1 billion times.
The student eventually sued his schoolmates for $250,00 and they settle the matter out of court.
Star Wars kid remains one of the most viewed video on the Internet and gives Americans yet one more reason to redicule their friendly cousins north of the boarder.
With Love,
For the digital publishing industry, the ipad could possibly present a solution to the ever growing problem; How can you make a living by producing an online magazine?
All the things I liked about Today:
1. I had the ultimate playlist to listen to as I made my way to uni. I don't know how it happened- but you know when song choice and geography are so insync its INSANELY PERFECT. Basically what I mean by this, is as I looked out of the train - the perfect song was playing to match the landscape. It became FRANKIE'S SOUNDTRACK. I don't even know how it happened because the ipod was on shuffle. SCARY. But it was perfect and I enjoyed it so so much.
P.S You just know CFCF was all over my playlist. LOVE LOVE LOVE THOSE GUYS!!!!!
2. I ran into a friend who was eating blueberries AKA one of MY FAVOURITE FOODS - and I snacked with him and chatted while he scruffled my hair. I love it when people I like do that to me. But it can only be people I like. Otherwise if it isn't, I'll snarl like a bitch protecting her pups.
3. I sat next to the cutiest babe in my art history tutorial. Her name was Emiko and she laughed at all my gags. Plus her writing was so neat- I enjoyed watching her take notes.
4. I noticed an old dentist chair in the hard rubbish pile that I'm totally thinking of taking and putting it in my room. All the wires are exposed down the bottom of it, so you've got this drab grey chair with these brightly coloured wires sticking out. Its tops and I'm wondering what I could use it for besides just looking at it all day long because its pretty creepy but rad at the same time.
5. I went to the toilets at uni and for once there wasnt skid marks and urine all over the seat and floor. Yeah that was pretty nice.
There are no words to describe the incredibly EPIC win that was yesterdays game over the US.