If you haven't already heard (God I hope you don't actually get your news from us) Qunicy Jones and Lionel Richie have teamed up once again to re-record Michael Jackson's "We are the World: The Remake". If you were watching the Grammy's Red Carpet tele-cast with Ryan Seacrest (shudder) a few nights ago, you would have seen Lionel "casually " bumping into every artist on the red carpet to remind them that he'd been in contact with "their people" and he's waiting for a response as to whether or not they'd be showing up to record. Seriously, this happened on live television people.
Basically he strong armed them into the studio.
I'm kidding, I'm sure they were all happy to be there helping to raise money for Haiti and it had nothing to do with their public image. At all. I mean, why else would Kanye show up? The Grammy's were far too public an affair for him to attend with all those lights and cameras and fans. He was too busy recording in some studio on some island (Hawaii I think). He likes the low-key affairs. Like this one. Nothing but him, other like-minded individuals that get him and his ego.
Joking aside, these wonderful singers, actors, talented people...and Ryan Seacrest, took time out of their schedules to remake Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie's classic hit and they did it for an incredibly worth while cause and they've decided that the perfect time and place to premier it is February 12th at the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver. We agree.
The list of artists collaborating is pretty epic. Every Tom, Dick and Harry in Hollywood was packed into the recording studio for this (actually, the same studio in Hollywood that was used to record the original), so we have no doubt that they will succeed in raising money for the Haiti relief fund.
NB. Not to be over shadowed or anything, Simon Cowell recorded something similar in the UK with a bunch of artists singing R.E.M's "Everybody Hurt's"
We're looking forward to it,

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