These are Slanties. They are the newest hipster creation looking to replace the Kanye Shutter Shade as Williamsburg, Brooklyn's eye gear of choice (If you don't know what I'm talking about then you clearly live in a tiny town in bumfuck nowhere, where hipsters don't run rampant... aren't you blessed).
Made of natural wood grain and finished with a layer of fiberglass, these Slanties are a take on ancient Inuit Eye protectants.
I predict that in about 5 months from today, you'll see all the cooler than cool kids running around Queen Street W in these bad boys or it'll cause a major race riot. Either way, they'll be around...
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I've previously heard of these. I think it would cause a major race riot, I was not a fan of the Kanye West shutters in the beginning, nor am I a fan of these. Maybe I'm just too old.. LOL :)
These are ridiculous. Absolutely unnecessary haha!
How can they call them Slanties...omg...thats so not politically correct!
I fear cheek splinters.
I'd rock these mofo's into next week... don't hate on a hater y'all.
Honestly though... I don't think I've got the self confidence to wear 'em... I'm not a natural born leader.
hahaha these are crazy cool, not sure i'd pull them off though
Super yuck.
those look like the goggles they wear in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory during the Wonka-vision scene.
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