01 January 2010

It's our New Year Round-Up...

...and what a year it was.

It's the end of a DECADE, but boy was 2009 an epic year. Death, Rescission, Pandemics, you name it, it happened last year. We decided to wait until the VERY END of the year to do our roundup. (Hey, we couldn't be too careful, I mean someone attempted to bomb a plane 7 days ago).

With this year came tragedy, anxiety, job uncertainty and infidelity...but this year also managed to pull something fabulous out of it's toxic ass. It brought us GLEE!

Here are our lists of the top news stories rocking us this year.

Major Headlines
Obama's Inauguration and 1st year in the Whitehouse
Michael Jackson's Death
The Economy
Auto Industry Collapse
Swine Flu
Ted Kennedy's Death
Health Care Reform in America
Judge Sonia Sotamayor on the Supreme Court bench
Beijing Olympics
Miracle Landing on Hudson River
Mark Sanford and his Argentine mistress
War in Gaza
Iran Democracy movement
Bernie Madoff pleads gulity to 11 federal offenses
Balloon Boy

Top Canadian Headlines
Obama Visits Ottawa
18 Tornadoes touch down in the Greater Toronto Area on August 20th
BC Fires
Toronto's Garbage Strike
Tori Stafford Abduction
Olympic Torch
Harper misses G-20 photo-op (he was taking a wiz)
Newfoundland Chopper Crash
Earl Jones Ponzi Scheme
Drake and Justin Bieber blow up on the music scene

Entertainment News Headlines
Chris Brown beats-down Rihanna
Kanye shits on Taylor Swifts moment
Tiger Woods and ALL of his mistresses (11 and counting)
Twilight Madness
Susan Boyle reminding us that ugly people are talented
Michael Phelps Bongs his face off
Lady Gaga (fullstop)
Oprah announces that she goes off the air in a year
Heath Ledger wins Posthumous Oscar
Oasis Breaks up
John and Kate Split
Jimmy Fallon joins late-night lineup
Adam Lambert kiss
Carrie Prejean etc etc etc
Letterman Extortion Scandal
Eminem and Borat stunt???
Angry Christian Bale freak out

Popular Social Sites

Breakout TV Shows
Modern Family
Cougar Town
The Good Wife
Lie to Me
Nurse Jackie
Parks and Recs
Vampire Diaries
The Middle
The Cleavland Show

Major Deaths
Michael Jackson
Farrah Fawcett
Patrick Swayze
Senator Ted Kennedy
Walter Cronkite
Natasha Richardson
John Huges
Brittany Murphy
David Carradine
Billy Mays
Bea Arthur Roy Disney
Ken Ober
Chris Henry
Soupy Sales
Captain Lou Albano
Les Paul
Eunice Shriver
Steve McNair

Karl Malden
Ed McMahon

Dom DeLuise
John Updike
Jett Travolta

So, that's the 2009 year roundup. We leave you with a great video mix. Let's hope 2010 takes a Xanex and chills the fuck out.


1 comment:

  1. all the events in this year was amazing, of course except the Michael Jackson's dead, this to me was a event that change the history of the music in the world.


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