30 July 2009

SLICE Interviews: The Sounds

The Sounds have been crisscrossing the North American continent as the opening act of no doubt one of the largest reunion tours of the summer.

Sullywood managed to ask Felix Rodriguez (1/2 of the childhood friend duo) a few questions about touring with No Doubt, their new album, Crossing the Rubicon, and why there are so many bloody amazing artist pouring out of Sweden (case and point: our all time favourite gal, Lykke Li).

Read the interview below:

Your music is sometimes compared to New Wave... What are some of your biggest influences as a band?
I would say that it's the fans and people that we meet that inspire us the most.
We all have very different musical tastes in the band, but of course, we share some bands in common. But to meet and hear peoples stories is the biggest influence I would say, at least for me.

Some of our readers may remember Maja's brief presence in the supergroup "Cobra Starship" as the lead singer on the song "Bring it" from the movie Snakes On a Plane. How did that collaboration come about?
I think it was someone that was in the other bands that heard The Sounds, and liked Maja's voice. So they asked us if she wanted to be part of it... So, she went into the studio and recorded her part, and I have to say it sounds amazing to hear her sing on that track. Great job Maja!

You played a sold out show in Toronto in May, any plans to return to the city again?
We are coming back in the fall, and I CANT wait for that show. We had a great time there, and I know this time will be even better!!!

I first heard The Sounds through my Snowboarding friends. Why do you think you have such a huge following among "boarders" worldwide?

I would say it's probably because our music is very energetic. I have many friends saying that they are listening to us to get pumped up before riding their bikes or skateboard. I would probably do the same if I were into sports. I mean, it's a great way to prepare before a show or something you need energy for.

You have fans all over the world and some of them are big names: Tarantino, Grohl etc... Dave Grohl even wore a red Sounds t-shirt in the "Times Like These" video... what was everyone's reaction the first time you saw that?
I was blown away. I mean I was a big Nirvana and Foo Fighters fan when I was younger (I still am, I have to say). I remember I went to the old record lable office in the states and the record lable people were like, "Hey, there's a rumour that Dave Grohl's gonna wear your t-shirt in their new video." And we were like, "COOL!!!"
We thought it was going to be like 3-4 seconds or something like that... when I saw it, it was like... Damn, it's all over the video!! It was awesome... I didn't see that coming when I saw Dave Grohl banging the drums in the "Smells Like Teen Spirit" video.

You're currently touring the U.S. with No Doubt. Any interesting stories from the tour so far?
Hmmm... I would say that it was pretty fun when they invited us up on stage to sing with them, that was great!! They are a great band and super friendly and down to earth. I love those guys...we have a lot of fun on tour with them.

What is the change like going from headlining your own shows to opening for a band like No Doubt in huge stadiums?
As a support act you play for thousands of people that have never heard you before, which is great because you get the opportunity to gain your fan base. To play your own show is different because there, everyone knows your songs and music... and as a support act you play a shorter set as well. You don't want to see a support act that plays for 1 1/2 hours, that wouldn't be much fun.

Do you prefer smaller venues?
I prefer both, it wouldn't be fun to just play small venues and vice versa. You need both!

The band's look certainly draws comparisons to No Doubt. Do you get to interact with them? Exchange style tips?
Ha...! Exchange style tips? Not Really... oh well maybe. I did tell the drummer that he looked awesome in the ballerina skirt he played in. He said, "Yeah? You think it looks cool?" I said, "FUCK YES. That's the best look I've ever seen!"
He still wears it now, so I don't know if that counts, I mean he had it before I mentioned it to him...but he still wears it!

A lot of great indie artists have been coming out of Sweden for the past few years (The Knife, Teddybears, Shout Out Louds, Lykke Li etc). What is it about Sweden that breeds such great original music?

Dunno...maybe the water? We do have a lot of practice places where you can rehearse when you are in school. I don't know if it is because of that though... I would say it's the water.

Your new album, "Crossing the Rubicon", was just released on June 2nd. The title track is very haunting and similar to The Knife. What influenced this title and song?
It is? I heard from my friend that it sounds like Coldplay!?
Well, neither of those bands were the influence when we did that song... they are both two great bands though. I remember we had something epic inside us when we did that song... it was late at night and we had it dark in the studio. Very "vibey", and chilled atmosphere. I love that song.

- Sullywood

29 July 2009


It's summertime... (sort of). Sure we may be having one of the shittiest summers on record and the sun may not have reared its bright orange head, but we've got hot and humid weather so we can't complain.

That being said, I thought I'd post a little Janis Joplin and do a little "Summertime" dance to the "Sun God's" in hopes that they take pitty on me and my poor pathetic jigg and shower us with rays from heaven.


28 July 2009

The Knife - Swedish Electropop band

Okay, were totally obsessed with this sibling duo. We heard The Knife's song "Heartbeats" a while back and it has been playing on repeat for the last few months so we thought it was high-time we shared this amazing band with y'all.They hail from Sweden and have released all four of their albums on their own label Rabid Records. The song "Heartbeats" was released on their 2003 album Deep Cuts. Prior to this album they released their debut record, The Knife, in 2001 which went 3x platinum. The bands latest releases Hannah med H Soundtrack (2003) and Silent Shout (2006) both fared rather well in the Swedish charts reaching #51 and #1 respectively.

Check it out,

23 July 2009

Wayback Playback - Shoop - Salt N Pepa

Oh my goodness... girl look at him... he is the cutest brotha in here... AND HE'S COMING THIS WAY...


18 July 2009

Holy Fuck @ Sneaky Dee's

We recently caught Holy Fuck at Harbourfront in Toronto (read here).

City Sonic tracks Brian Borcherdt (of Holy Fuck) as he describes his move to Toronto and the first time he played Wavelength.

15 July 2009

The Virgin Music Festival

Hey Guys,

So Virgin has gotten it's shit together and have finally released information about it's summer music festival. The location has moved from Toronto to Barrie at Burl's Creek Park. Unlike in Toronto, Camping is now available (for a fee).

The line-up is pretty good:
The Pixies, Ben Harper, Franz Ferdinand, NIN, Sloan, Pet Shop Boys, Our Lady Peace, N.E.R.D., Cold War Kids etc etc.
Weekend passes are $99.00 and go on sale on the 18th of July at 12pm est. Camping tickets are $100.00 (a ridiculous rip off in my opinon, but what are you gonna do)

13 July 2009


A few members of the SLICE team headed downtown on Friday to catch the Holy Fuck gig down at Harbourfront. The show was great, and the set lasted for about an hour. Everyone was feeling the bands experimental vibes, and the cool lake breeze was the perfect antidote for the day's scorching heat. Holy Fuck performed as part of the "Beats, Break and Electronic" show right on the lake for music lovers across Toronto.

After Holy Fuck we caught another acclaimed Toronto band, DD/MM/YYYY. They were performing in a tent next to the stage but the line to get in was a mile long so we decided to sit on the lawn by the clothing stalls along the lake and take in the music from there instead. It was a gorgeous night, and we would definitely encourage other youngsters to head downtown to the Harbourfront and enjoy the music as well. You can get a schedule of what's going on here. Hey Rosetta will be playing in two weeks time.

Listen to: Holy Fuck - Lovely Allen

Love ya lots,

12 July 2009

Blog Crush: Isquiofrenia Style

Today I woke up with a stranger in my bed. I was all blurry eyed and the stranger was still asleep. I took a quick scan around my room and noticed that the strangers sense of fashion was superb, and regardless of the fact that it was a stranger lying next to me, I was crushing on them hardcore. I mean... can you say ARM CANDY. You may be wondering what happened to my "significant other" aka The Swelle Life. Well The Swelle Life doesn't know about my lapse in judgment (and I'd appreciate it if you all kept it on the down low).

My New Crush is from America and is based out West in California. My Crushes name is Isquiofrenia Style and she was a fun romp around. (Everyone needs some fun when they are in a long-term relationship...am I right?) According to a Twitter poll we conducted about 90% of my followers are cheaters, so i'm sure you'll all approve of my new lover!

Saved By the Bell!

Have you heard the news? BELLBOTTOMS ARE BACK!

Dust off your favourite Bellbottoms/Flare from the 90's and squeeze your ass back into them because the fashion world is tired of Skinny Jeans (THANK GOD) and wants to switch things up.
Bellbottoms and Flares have been spotted on various runways and celeb-u-tarts all around the world so ditch those tapered jeans, girl, and be Saved by the Bell. (See what we did there? We threw in a bit of Kings of Leon and a 90's old school classic...HOLLER)

Which do you prefer...Skinny or Flare?

01 July 2009

NXNE Diary Day 4!

Here is our NXNE Day 4 Video Diary Entry.
We didn't do much in terms of watching gigs today, we most just ran around Toronto from Interview to Interview. Watched Crystal Antlers play at Dundas square, then headed home and passed out.


NXNE Day 4 Video Diary from Slice Magazine on Vimeo.

Happy Canada Day!!

THIS IS A REPOST! - see original post here
Given the recent political turmoil in our incredibly unstable government over the last few months, we at SLICE have been thinking a lot about Canadians, our identity(crisis) and what makes us content.

Where in some countries civilians would have taken to the streets with pitchforks and megaphones over the lack of confidence in our Conservative government, Canadians have remained rather complacent and disinterested in the fact that our government is on the verge of dissolve and we may be without a leader of our great country. I mean let's face it... we've already proven that we would much rather watch an American election than a Canadian one.

According to a Macleans Magazine's, Canada Day Issue published a year or two ago (the article was entitled "Is Canada stealing the American Dream?" ) - or something like that - We live longer, work less, have better health, enjoy more sex and are wealthier than our American cousins.
"After digging through the data, here's what we found: the staid, underpaid Canadian is dead. Believe it or not, we now have more wealth than Americans, even though we work shorter hours. We drink more often, but we live longer and have fewer diseases. We have more sex, more sex partners and we're more adventurous in bed, but we have fewer teen pregnancies and fewer sexually transmitted diseases. We spend more time with family and friends, and more time exploring the world. Even in crime we come out ahead: we're just as prone to break the law, but when we do it, we don't get shot. Most of the time, we don't even go to jail."
So once again, we look at the age old question, what makes us Canadian or are we doomed to define our identity by negation? We are NOT American.

READ ON... to find out what makes Canadians so damn cool.
