23 April 2009

Your Official 09 Summer Music Festival Guide

Okay you music fiends, SLICE has put together an official Summer Music Festival Guide for anyone wondering where they should spend their hard earned cash this summer. We've given you the 411 on the festival headliners, the cost, the booze and drug policy and whether it's worth the trip. Check out the biggest summer festivals in North America and decide where you'll be heading this summer. (I'm opting for Lollapalooza and Caribana this year... I'm just sayin'). If you have any questions about any of the festivals leave a comment and we'll do our best to answer them.

NB: We realize there are a few typos, but it took forever to put these together as images and they can't be changed. Sorry y'all.

Also, any people from the Toronto area heading to Lolla let us know, we can try and put together a group heading down to chi-town

PembertonSasquatchWarped TourV-festBonnaroo
NXNE Film, Music and Conference RothburyPitchforkAll Points West
OshegaCaribana Street CarnivalWakestockLollapaloozaShambhalaAustin City Limits


  1. ohh thank you thank you thank you! this is the most amazing post everrr! :)

  2. Hmmmm not sure I´m prepared to come back here and remind you to feature me as blog crush butt if you do remember that would be like the best virtual present given to me this year!!! :D


  3. I can't wait for Lollapalooza! I'm heading to Pitchfork too. I thought Pitchfork's line-up would outperform Lolla's this year, but when I saw Of Montreal, Passion Pit, Animal Collective AND Friendly Fires, that sealed the deal!

    Awesome blog. :)

  4. I'll be heading to All Points West this summer. woo

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