24 January 2009

TELEMITE- Hip Hop Artist, Spoken Word Poet

Telemite is a Toronto based rapper who recently dropped his début tracks, "All In" and "American Dream".
He is currently working on his début EP which will be entitled "A Great Perhaps...EP".
His songs are gritty, emotional, self aware and socially conscious.
His music has a raw poetic sound that is thoughtfully paired with fantastic mixes by dj triqmatic that are definitely worth checking out.
The name Telemite originated from the renaissance writer François Rabeais "Abbey of Thélème", in which he describes a utopian way of life free of convention and rules
where the Thelemites of the Abbey could live a hedonistic lifestyle dictated by freewill and pleasure. “Do What thou Wilt”.

This is definitely and ideology that SLICE can get on bored with.

You can listen to Telemites Début tracks on his myspace or on last.fm.
Download "All In" download here.


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