Here's a Track by Toronto/Montreal's electro-hip hop duo, Thunderheist.
You can catch them at Hillside Inside in Guelph, ON on February 7th 2009 or this March in the US at Austin's SXSW festival.
31 January 2009
THE STILLS - Rock, Post-punk

This past Thursday was a big night for the Kings of Leon. They played their biggest concert in North America to date, rocking the socks off of a 20,000 strong crowd at Madison Square Garden, NY.
While watching this incredible movement, we at SLICE couldn't help but feel incredibly anxious for our indie darlings, The Stills, who will be acting as main support when KOL embark on the Australian Leg of their Only by the Night tour.
The Montreal based quintet will be hitting up Australia and New Zealand with their Southern pals, for their arena tour in early March to warm up and hopefully win over the fans of one of the biggest bands in the world at the moment.
Tunes from their latest album Oceans Will Rise (2008) can be found on their myspace page.
You can catch a free performance before The Stills head down under with their hell-raising buddies as part of the Wintercity festival at Nathan Philip Square in Toronto,ON on February 7th 2009 at 8:00pm.
29 January 2009
BEN POBJOY - Photography

Ben Pobjoy is a Canadian photographer based in Montreal. At 27 he has already been featured in international magazines and is represented in many national private and public collections. His work has been on exhibit in Toronto and Montreal and his photography has been resident in the Emporium Gallery in Montreal.
His photographs have been described as raw and candid. He hopes to capture "the essence and idiosyncrasies of various people, places and things."

His most recently completed project entitled Land of America is a collection of photographs that take the viewer on a journey from Montreal to Los Angeles and back. Ben crossed America and parts of Mexico on a 90 hour greyhound bus journey in which he photographed bus stations and bus riders across North America. You can view the entire collection on his website.
He is currently working on a project entitled Red Wall.
Kinny & Horne - Jazz and Funk

Canadian Born, Norway based soul and jazz artist Kinny is a classically trained opera singer whose first love was reggae and jazz. After touring Europe with a reggae band she fell in love with Norway and consequently decided to live there. She eventually crossed paths with Espen Horne her producer (a former fashion and graphic designer) and thus Kinny & Horne was born. Their debut album Forgetting to Remember was released back in 2005 and since then they have virtually fallen off the map. Which we believe is a crying shame because this smooth album is jam packed with symphonic jazz and funk with it's roots in reggae. We're hoping this is only a temporary hiatus.
CHULO PONY - Fashion Label

27 January 2009

Given the recent political turmoil in our incredibly unstable government over the last few months, we at SLICE have been thinking a lot about Canadians, our identity(crisis) and what makes us content.
Where in some countries civilians would have taken to the streets with pitchforks and megaphones over the lack of confidence in our Conservative government, Canadians have remained rather complacent and disinterested in the fact that our government is on the verge of dissolve and we may be without a leader of our great country. I mean let's face it... we've already proven that we would much rather watch an American election than a Canadian one.
According to a Macleans Magazine's, Canada Day Issue published a year or two ago (the article was entitled "Is Canada stealing the American Dream?" ) - or something like that - We live longer, work less, have better health, enjoy more sex and are wealthier than our American cousins.
"After digging through the data, here's what we found: the staid, underpaid Canadian is dead. Believe it or not, we now have more wealth than Americans, even though we work shorter hours. We drink more often, but we live longer and have fewer diseases. We have more sex, more sex partners and we're more adventurous in bed, but we have fewer teen pregnancies and fewer sexually transmitted diseases. We spend more time with family and friends, and more time exploring the world. Even in crime we come out ahead: we're just as prone to break the law, but when we do it, we don't get shot. Most of the time, we don't even go to jail."So once again, we look at the age old question, what makes us Canadian or are we doomed to define our identity by negation? We are NOT American.
READ ON... to find out what makes Canadians so damn cool.
26 January 2009
HELLO BEAUTIFUL - Alternative Rock Band

This Punk-Rock Hip-hop band formed in 2006 in Whitby, ON and have been a permanent fixture in the East End of Toronto's GTA club scene. They were the winners of Toronto's annual Indie Week awards as well as Ernie Ball Battle of the Bands. Cole Martin (Vocals/Guitar), Buddy Taylor (Guitar), Kevin Walsh (Drums), Dan Bradimore (Bass) and Charlie Royal (M.C.) round up the experimental quintet. Their collaborative sound is apparent in tracks such as "Saint Andrews Bridge". Their full length album, Soundtrack for Scenario, was released in 2008 and has garnered a solid following.
COMEDY BAR - Toronto Comedy
Funny man Gary Rideout Jr., recently opened up Comedy Bar in the trendy boho neighbourhood, The Annex, in Toronto. This is a refreshing and long awaited addition to Toronto's comedy scene which has been lacking in recent years. Comedy Bar is a bit of a departure from the traditional stand-up comedy found at Yuk Yuk's or Second City. The bar is being hailed for it's alternative style approach and edgy comedy acts which include sketch and improv. The resident act is award winning troupe The Sketchersons who can be caught performing every Sunday during their Sunday Night Live set beginning at 9:00pm.
Check out the Comedy Bar's Schedule for show dates and times.
The Sketchersons
Check out the Comedy Bar's Schedule for show dates and times.
The Sketchersons
"Hipsters are the new Jocks" MESH - (International Electro-rapper, Brooklyn, NY)

This is a humorously ironic song by Brooklyn based electro-dance rock rapper MESH.
The track is called "Hipsters are the New Jocks"
Also, check out this great commentary about Hipster culture in Williamsburg, NY presented by Jessie Cantrell at Black20 - hipster this, hipster that - john at Party Ends
25 January 2009
INDIE ACTS - (A few of Canada's best Indie Bands)
Canada's Indie scene has been developing for the past few years and has grown to see many bands gain international acclaim and success. Canada's Indie Artists are currently at the forefront of world music rivaling our American and British counterparts with alternative bands like Crystal Castles and Chromeo.
Check out some of the acts that we at SLICE are listening to...
This list is in no particular order.
Let us know what you think. Who's your favourite Canadian act? Leave a comment.

Wolf Parade
Origin – Victoria, BC
Based – Montreal , QC
Genre - Alternative Rock, Math Core
Death From Above 1979
Origin – Toronto, ON
Based – Toronto, ON
Genre – Dance Punk
Crystal Castles
Origin – Toronto, ON
Based - Toronto, ON
Genre - Electronic, Experimental, Punk
Holy Fuck
Origin – Toronto, ON
Based - Toronto, ON
Genre - Electronica, Experimental Rock
Origin - Toronto, ON
Based - Toronto, ON
Genre - Electro-House
Origin – Montreal, QC
Based - New York, NY
Genre - Electro Funk
MEI YU - Caricaturist

Mei Yu is a multi-award winning Vancouver based artist and publisher. Although she is only in her 20's she has already gained National attention for her illustrations and self published children's books. At the age of 17 she was the recipient of 16 art awards and scholarships including obtaining first place for the National Teletoon Animation Scholarship competition. Mei currently works for Vancouver animation studios, designing caricatures for television cartoons.
Mei has funded the Mei Yu Cartoon Art Scholarship to encourage Canadian youth to pursue art and excel at art in school.
RASCALZ - Northern Touch (Wayback Playback)
We thought we'd throw in an old school classic.
Here's Rascalz - Northern Touch (Feat. Kardinal Offishall, Choclair, Checkmate and Thrust)
Some of Canada's finest!

Evans grew up in Northern Alberta and had never intended on pursuing fashion design because he was turned of by his perception of the fashion industry. After living in South Korea he realised his passion for design, returned to Montreal and began work on the creation of his label.
Complexgeometries is currently sold in Toronto, Montreal, New York, Los Angeles, London, Copenhagen, Panama, Tokyo, Seoul, as well as many other cities throughout the world.
For more information visit complexgeometries online.
24 January 2009
SKREAM - International DJ (England)

Skream is the undisputed forerunner of the underground sound known as Dubstep.
For those of you who have never heard of this "genre" don't worry... you have today.
Dubstep cannot be described, only experienced, and I encourage all of you to get out
and around your local dubstep scene (if it exists yet) put on your favourite pair of
sneakers and let the bass move you (literally).
Dubstep rose from the backstreet's and dirty garage sound of South London in the early 2000s.
It has since reverbed it's way across the pond settling into the underground music
scenes of New York and Toronto as smoothly as Grime and Drum n' Bass.
I discovered Dubstep accidentally one night while out in Brixton, London with my
Argentine friend Natalie. We were living in the area and were not too keen on
traveling to central London to go out, so we headed to Mass, a local club which
was once St. Matthews Church. We began climbing the steps of the church making
our way up the never-ending spiral staircase in utter amazement of the bass shaking
the steps as we walked. Once we met the entrance to the club door, we looked
at each other and instantly new it was going to be a fantastic night.
The doors swung open and we were nearly knocked off our feet by the vibration of the bass.

We walked into our first DMZ night at Mass in Brixton. Apparently the place to be for
all Dubstep followers. I scanned the crowd basking in black light, smoke, lasers and
strobe, flailing rhythmically to a beat of their choice. The sea of youths were anxiously
starring at the DJ and MC, hanging on their every beat and awaiting their favourite hooks.
It was incredible. About an hour later someone tapped me on the shoulder and
extended his palm with a little white pill at the centre. I looked at it and looked
at him and politely declined. He shrugged and moved on to the next.
My first impression of Dubstep was absolute shock. Shock at discovering this
incredibly massive scene with followers from hip hop lovers and punk rockers
to hipsters and Rastas. The crowd was so diverse and varied. Guys dressed in Goth,
others in hightops, some in designer dresses others in simple jeans and t-shirts.
My second impression was how amazing it was to find a place where people gathered
solely to enjoy the music, where every single person in the club had their eyes glued
to the DJ and MC up front.
When the Dubstep Anthem Midnight Request Line by Skream was dropped by the DJ
the crowd erupted in spontaneous applause and shout, and their dancing became
even more aggressive and impassioned. It was honestly a sight to behold. We danced
the hours away freely soaking up the atmosphere and music and eventually dripped
out of the church in the early morning as the crowd began to dwindle. I left there a
changed person that morning. I was armed with an experience truly unique, I was on
the cusp of a breaking sound that I had no way of explaining to friends back home,
except to say “You have to experience it”.
I could tell you which tracks to download and which DJ's to check out but it would
not do the genre justice. This music cannot be listened to on your ipod, or on your computer,
it has to be felt with an incredible sound system that will get you shaking in a frenzy.
So I'll list off some places that are hosting dubstep nights and encourage you to do
the legwork to find out what's going on in your city.
Maria Daniel
Thymeless hosts Dubslingers club nights every wednesday in Toronto
Subtrac hosts dubstep events all around Toronto
Independents - Canadian Dubstep Label
Dubstep.FM - check out Toronto Bass w/ Bombaman on (It's a fantastic Mix)
Elgin St. Freehouse hosts Steppin' Up dubstep club nights in Ottawa
The Reef hosts Frames' Pacifiic Dubstep nights in Victoria
Pacific Dubstep and Subtone hosts dubstep events around the Vancouver area
Lamplighter Pub hosts Suave Assasins' Signature Sundays in Gastown, Vancovuer
check out Dubstep Radio – Vancouver
Zoobizarre hosts Dubstep Experiment monthly in Montreal
Check out the MTLGRIME blog for upcoming dubstep events in Montreal
TELEMITE- Hip Hop Artist, Spoken Word Poet

He is currently working on his début EP which will be entitled "A Great Perhaps...EP".
His songs are gritty, emotional, self aware and socially conscious.
His music has a raw poetic sound that is thoughtfully paired with fantastic mixes by dj triqmatic that are definitely worth checking out.
The name Telemite originated from the renaissance writer François Rabeais "Abbey of Thélème", in which he describes a utopian way of life free of convention and rules
where the Thelemites of the Abbey could live a hedonistic lifestyle dictated by freewill and pleasure. “Do What thou Wilt”.
where the Thelemites of the Abbey could live a hedonistic lifestyle dictated by freewill and pleasure. “Do What thou Wilt”.
This is definitely and ideology that SLICE can get on bored with.
Download "All In" download here.
23 January 2009
Mr. President

America has a new President!
President Barack Obama!
Here's a Barack Obama Single Ladies Spoof. Enjoy.
SERENA RYDER - Singer, Song-writer

Toronto based artist Serena Ryder released her first CD, Falling Out, at the age of 15 on local Peterborough Indie Label Mime Radio. Her first Major Label début was in 2005 when she released Unlikely Emergency which included her hit single "Just Another Day". She went on to release a second Album in 2006, If Your Memory Serves you well, which is a collection of cover songs by major Canadian artists including Leonard Cohen and The Band.
Her most recent album was released on November 11 2008 and is entitled Is It O.K.
Serena was the winner of the 2008 Juno Award for New Artist of the Year and her star continues to shine.
Check out her latest single "Little Bit of Red", performed live on CBC's Q TV.

We are The Take mix harmonious vocals with pop rock sensibilty. This Toronto based quartet emerged in 2006 and were able to team up with three-time Grammy Award-winning producer and mixer David Bottril. Craig Stickland (Vocals/Guitar) and Erik Alcock (Vocals/Guitar) share lead vocals often harmonizing their catchy pop riffs on tracks such as "Montreal Love Song" and "Dreams". Andrew Hobbs and Kevin Sommerville round off guitar, back up vocals and drums. The boys have been performing locally for a few years now and have also been hitting up the Festival circut, performing at NXNE festival and Virgin festival 2008 at the Toronto Islands.
22 January 2009
LYKKE LI - International artist (Sweden)

Okay, so about 7 or 8 months ago I ... came across a website that featured Swedish songstress, Lykke Li's Dance, Dance, Dance track. I nearly fell off my chair when I heard this song. I was instantly enamoured.

And so began my love affair with the music of Lykke Li. Her self-released debut EP Youth Novels (produced by Bjorn of Peter, Bjorn and John) is a gut wrenching confession that anyone who has experienced heartache can relate to. Her youthful unembellished pop sound is simple, clear and melodic. Since then she has gained steady and growing success, collaborating with Kanye West, Santogold, Bon Iver and fellow Swedish musician Kleerup on a fantastic track “Until We Bleed”. She has also covered Kings of Leon's “Knocked Up” and Royksopp's “Miss it so Much”.
K'NAAN- Hip Hop Artist

K'Naan is a Somali born, Canadian hip-hop and world music artist. He spent his early childhood living through the Somalian Civil War throughout the early 90s. He eventually immigrated to Canada after spending time with family in Harlem, NY, and settled in the Rexdale neighbourhood in Toronto.
He has since worked with artists ranging from Nelly Furtado and Mos Def to Pharoahe Monch and Damien Marley (collaborating on his "Welcome to Jamrock" touring sessions).
He is Currently working on his third album “Troubadour” slated for release Feb 24 2009.
Stopping the Presses

ZAKI IBRAHIM- Singer/Songwriter/Musician

Zaki Ibrahim is a neo-soul singer, songwriter, musician and producer born in Vancouver, BC and raised partially in South Africa. She began performing at a young age in Capetown as well as in Canada making strong connections within the local music scenes. She has toured extensively throughout Canada, Europe and South Africa with various artists from The Roots to Bedouin Soundclash and has collaborated with the likes of DJ and Producer King Brett.

We first caught Inward Eye on the Molson Canadian Rocks: Campus Tour back in 2006. At the time they were opening for Canada's very own Bedouin Soundclash at The Wave on the University of Western Ontario Campus. Only the few that arrived early in order to get their drink on were able to catch the bands jaw dropping performance. The energy that these boys were able to exude was palpable.
Inward Eye hail from frosty Winnipeg, Manitoba and are currently one of Canada's fast rising stars opening for The Who on their Canadian tour and finally releasing their long awaited self titled Début EP through itunes US in November (a release date has been scheduled for itunes Canada -Jan 27th).
SAMANTHA ARGOTTI - Fashion Designer

Samantha is a talented young woman, who at 21 has sold a number of pieces and continues to actively pursue a career in Fashion Design.