24 October 2009

Dear Slice: Frankie's Aussie Diaries: American Psycho

Currently I am writing an essay on American Psycho. It is 3:26am and passages telling of women, mutilation, Talking Heads, J&B on the rocks, male face cream, violence and silk ties all point to one thing. It's time for a break, and with that let us welcome the wonderful creature of procrastination . . .

The fruits I bear are the following:

Pug and Stroller: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdLVLPoRXR4&NR=1&feature=fvwp

Hottest Heads of State:

Talented Parrot: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWKEqlT4gEk

Domination and Submission in Australia: http://www.vivecoolcity.com/episode/176

Beekeeping for Beginners: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtwG2C2kKug

Dramatic Pug: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJ5r3oNFVeE

I want to be adored:

Donkey Rape and Suicide: http://www.vivecoolcity.com/episode/200

Blood Brothers: http://www.wikihow.com/Go-Through-a-Blood-Brother-Ritual-Southwest-United-States-Style

This peanut looks like a duck: http://www.thispeanutlookslikeaduck.com/quack/

Christopher Walken "Poker Face"

And finally just because its > RAD

05 October 2009

Dear Slice: Frankie's Diaries: A Dish of a Weekend

Over the weekend I caught up with two ex boyfriends.
It was as follows. . . . . . . perhaps I should detail the relationships first in order to put into context.

MR NM: Was the first boyfriend I ever held. Was the first male hand I held besides my fathers, or the sweaty capped beer washed adolescent male for the night. I was at the end of my final year at school, 17 years old or so, and he was 23 years. He gave me Ugg boots for my 18th birthday. He came from an Italian family. He was a laborer but had glasses that made him look like an architect.

MR SH: Was the man to help me move on from NM. I was 19 and he came 29. This fact came out a month into it- we spoke over 'intellectual topics' and careers in writing. He dyed his hair blonde. His stomach was hard and he had soft skin. His friends were trendy and made sure you were aware of this. He would look down on others constantly. Both our families had a sibling who suffered from a mental illness severely. Whenever he danced he looked like a fuckwit. Perhaps this was due to his moves of punching the air and bopping his head, or maybe just because he took himself seriously.

MR NM: Lunch at a Vietnamese cafe. It had been two years or so, since we broke up. However we'd catch up every month or so, always doing the same thing we'd do when we were together. These included getting coffee and cake at our favourite Italian cafe, eating his home made lasagna in bed or going for a drive as he'd play his favourite music to me.

MR SH: Attempts were made by him after I broke it off to remain friends. I rejected these attempts. Once we caught up. Despite telling him that we "both had enough friends and didn't need anymore" there were a few text messages, emails and missed calls. I once spoke to him on the phone, I enjoyed this. Perhaps it was the physical distance between us that allowed this .

After both the encounters I realized something:

The ex - be it boyfriend or girlfriend- falls into the category of a past favourite food.
When you visit the dish again, there are two paths you can find yourself trekking.

Read on....

02 October 2009

RUSH - Tom Sawyer (Drum Cover)

OKAY... we were on twitter earlier today and one of the people we follow posted a link of a four-year-old cutie named Jonah playing the drum portion of Kings of Leon's "Notion".

We were impressed. The we found him rocking the shit out of Rush's "Tom Sawyer" and we just HAD to post it up for y'all.

You have to check this out. It can't be embedded so click on this link.

You're welcome,

Nuit Blanche

Nuit Blanche returns to Toronto this Saturday with it's all-night contemporary art displays and installations around the city. The free event begins at 6:55pm and can be enjoyed until sunrise.
Be sure to catch the Renegade parade down the streets and alleys of Yorkville, Toronto. This mobile rave begins at the ROM at 10:00 pm and carries on until 5am the following day. Dress warm because last year was freezing. There is so much to see, do and experience during this amazing night of art discovery. Be sure to plan ahead and pack in everything you can.

You won't be disappointed,


Nikki Farquharson

Nikki Farquharson is a 23 year old London based designer and graduate of the London College of Communication. She focuses on "communication, colour, pattern and typography" and has created some beautiful fashion portraits integrating photography and patterns. Her designs have been featured in many publications including Miss Behave Magazine

Check out some more of her images below.


Toronto International Film Festival Round Up

So TIFF has come and long gone, and we have finally got our list of this years must-see films that showed at the Toronto International Film Festival a few weeks ago. Check out the trailers below.

Must-See Films:

The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus


Get Low

The Road
(jump to :40 sec)

Up In the Air

An Education

Sky Ferreira's new single -Animal (Miike Snow Cover)

We know our regular Slice readers are no stranger to Sky Ferreira and have already checked out her remixed version of The Virgins track -"Teen Lovers". For those of you that don't know her... listen the fuck up!

Waffles and Falafels "youngest-in-charge", Miss Sky Ferreira, has recently landed a contract with EMI Music. Homegirl's been here, there and everywhere in between. Along with working on an independent film, Metal Gods, by Matt Porterfield in Baltimore, she has somehow found time to record a new single... a cover of Miike Snow's - "Animal".... GIRL CAN SIIIIIING!

Slice has got a sneak-peak listen for all you ungratefull mofo's out there. So listen to it and love it.


oh ya btw, she's only 16.

Animal - Sky Ferreira (Miike Snow Cover) | Upload Music

Check Out: We Kill You

We Kill You is fronted by Justin Pape (Artists and Creator extraordinaire) who established We Kill You in 2003 with the main goal of making Torontonians laugh during their walk through the city. Get to know more about our Home Grown artist who is taking the world by storm from New York to Tokyo by clicking on the link below or keep your eyes open the next time you walk down Queen Street ;)

Visit We Kill You here.
Shop We Kill You here. (I've got my eye on that "your face sucks" T-shirt)


International Song Competition

Kate Miller-Heidke
The International Song Competition is back and entries are being accepted until October 7th. So if you think you've got the incredible talent to become a successful songwriter don't let this opportunity pass you by.

Enter here.

Judges include, King of Leon, Timbaland, Rob Thomas, Wynonna, Black Francis, Adele and many more.

"In addition to great prizes, ISC offers the unique opportunity to have your music heard by the most impressive group of judges from a variety of industry backgrounds in any songwriting competition. This makes ISC the songwriting competition to take note of." - The New York Times

Dear Slice: Frankie's Aussie Diaries - A Warm Eve in Spring

Currently I am in the middle of training for a marathon, it's in a couple of weeks.

Surprisingly the endurance training isn't the hardest bit. It's the quitting of the minty slashes.

I don't understand how it works- you are straining your body to the limits of physical exercise, and then somehow you enjoy making it harder for yourself by continuing a bad habit. Somehow the two routines manage to peacefully exist simultaneously. I thought one would cancel the other out.

However somehow they have managed to sustain themselves, gradually getting stronger. It's like the cold war. Perhaps. Probably not actually.

Ill try another political reference; The Israel/Palestine conflict... nearly there?

In other news a friend took me to a gig last night. The Vivian Girls at The Northcote Social Club. Somehow, this three piece band, managed to create a swell of sound, that kept building and building pulling the crowd into their current. It was magnificent, but perhaps only available through live performance. If you get the chance, go have a look.

Read On...
