26 August 2009

Dear Slice: Frankie's Aussie Diaries

Dear Slice Magazine,

My friend told me she'd come to dinner with me on account of it being raining and we thought something hot would be nice to fill our tummies. She sent me a message 30 minutes before, telling me she'd rather eat in at the lame college we live in. This is just the beginning, I'm trying to find this MC Solaar song and no it is not "Le Belle et le Bad Boy". My stomach hurts from chewing too much bubble gum today. I haven't drunk a coffee in three weeks, its part of my attempt to stop being dependent on coffee to wake me up during the day, so instead I'm drinking English breakfast tea, Jesus Christ I just read that and hated the sound of myself. Do you know what I ate for dinner tonight? A packet of crisps (chips for your North Americans), a chocolate bar and an ice cream. I don't want to hear about the children in Africa or Peru or Chile or anything like that, because tonight I wanted to eat Japanese food, soup or pasta. I didn't want to eat shit because my stomach is sensitive and hurts all the time, partly from being anxious all the time and partly because the food is high in something that hurts it.

Man I'm so angry at her for ditching me like that. You know she does it all the time. I always ask her to come out with my friends and I and she never does. Then one time she says yes and I am full of so much happiness -- its like I'm 12 again and mum says we can go through the drive through at McDonald's-- and you know what she does, we are there for 45 mins and she says to me, "Frankie, I'm leaving", and I turn to her and say "you know what, just stay for one more drink and then you can leave straight away, just have one more drink with me". And she says, "No I want to leave", and I say "Look I'll buy it. I'll buy the drinks for the rest of the night", and she says "No". This happens once more after that and she tells me she needs to go the toilet. 30 mins later she hasn't come back and then I get this message saying she's left because she just wanted to. Look Slice, do you mind if I call you by your first name? I am a girl in case that was unclear, and I have a lot of guy friends. In fact, most of my closest friends are male. I'm not sure why, but it just happened like that. I always go out with them and have the best time, but just once I would like not the be the only girl out. I would like one of my friends who is a girl to come out with me, just once, Jesus I'll pay for them the whole night...but the whole thing is impossible.

(... click here to continue reading)


24 August 2009




Apparently it was already released in the US on the "N network" whatever that is, and it can finally be viewed in the motherland on August 30th on CTV.

The trailer looks pretty good. How much do you LOVE all the slow motion "turn-and-look-at-the-camera" shots? (witness from 1:10)

So excited

23 August 2009

Lollapalooza Diary Days 2 + 3

Days 2+3 in Chicago for Lollapalooza. Watch Day 1 here.


22 August 2009

Tornado touches down in the Greater Toronto Area

So the other day (Aug 20th) my sister and I decided to go for dinner in Woodbridge at Chili's restaurant. Once we finished our meal and headed outside we seemed to be in the mist of what appeared to be a hurricane. (I assumed that it was Hurricane Bill, traveling north to visit us friendly Canadians). It took us approximately 30 mins to get from Chili's home (a drive which usually takes 7 mins) and on our way home we noticed that the "hurricane winds" really began to pick up intensely as we passed Vaughn Mills mall. Eventually we got home and the electricity was out. Still unaware of the fact that our area was experiencing a tornado.

My father was convinced that there was a plane trying to land near our house because of the intense howling. He also mentioned that in all his years he had never heard thunder the way he had heard it that evening.

None-the-less after approximately 3 1/2 hours our power returned and we were informed that an F2 Tornado had touched down in Woodbridge and had left a considerable amount of damage in its wake.

Our well wishes go out to our neighbours whose houses were destroyed by the tornado.

We leave you now with two videos. One of the storm ripping it's way through Woodbridge on route to Maple. And the other of a panicked resident speaking to his grandparents (this video is hilarious).
- Maria

17 August 2009

Lollapalooza Diary Day 1

Watch our Day 1 Diary from Lollapalooza 2009.
For more videos of other performers from the festival click here.

14 August 2009

Lollapalooza recap

We had an incredible time at Lollapalooza this year and will definitely be in attendance next year ($60 3-day passes go on sale in a few days). We're slowly uploading all of the performances that we caught on digicam. Below you can watch Lykke Li's rendition of Lil Wayne's A Millie and eventual "Breaking it Up" performance.

Also, we're posting Kings of Leon's performance of "Knocked Up". You can catch our uploaded videos as they come on youtube, right here. (Check out Kings of Leon Black Thumbnail video. Caleb goes mental)

We'll be adding our diary and other videos including The Virgins, Santogold and Sam Roberts


10 August 2009

That was one heck of a Lollapalooza


And we've got loads of pics and videos to post up for your viewing pleasure.
First things first... Lolla. Was. AMAZING. We had such a great time. (even though we didn't get to see the Sunday evening shows...sigh). Chi-town is a cool city and I'll definitely be returning some time soon.

Anyway, keep your eyes locked here for pics from the shows. We've also got videos from the majority of the performances that we'll post to our Youtube page at some point (some time this week). Videos include, Kings of Leon, Lykke Li, Sam Roberts, Santigold, The Knux, The Virgins etc. (no Arctic Monkeys or Bat for Lashes unfortunately... although we caught both of their shows)

05 August 2009

Her name was Lolllapalooza... She was a Showgirl.

It's that time of the year. The time when we head South of the boarder for one of North America's largest music festivals.


I'm not going to lie, we've been really naughty with the blog of late. We haven't been posting (all though there are many to come, as well as many interviews to be posted) and we haven't been updating. BUT...have no fear, Lollapalooza is way too huge an event to not cover on this blog.

During the festival we'll attempt to put together some Lolla diaries for our faithful followers. I can't promise that it'll be posted that night, but i definitely will try. So bookmark this page and check back often to view our Lolla coverage.

Also, stay tuned for our Oshega festival review, interview with The Limousines and videos form NXNE.

04 August 2009

I hate sea life Heath Ledger!

We all know Modest Mouse is a stellar band... but their latest video (which is definitely original and artistically refreshing) disturbs the living daylights out of me. You see, I am deathly afraid of fish (whales... they're all the same to me) and the premise of this music video (which was directed by Heath Ledger and was the last project that he worked on prior to his untimely death) is very unsettling.

The song is entitled, "King Rat" and the video took The Masses (film/music company where he was a partner) approximately 1 year and a half to complete after Ledgers death. The video is meant to take a “stance against the illegal commercial whale hunts taking place of the coast of Australia.”

The song is fantastic though, and follows along in the same vein as most Modest Mouse's music.
Check it out here.