14 April 2009

Cookin' n Canada: Butter Tarts

We're continuing the Cookin' n Canada segment with traditional Canadian sugar pastry originating in Northern Ontario, known as the Butter Tart.

One of the oldest recipes for these tarts supposedly first appeared back in 1915 in Northern Ontario. Due to the Butter Tart's filling of sugar, butter and eggs being similar to that of many other pastries such as the American Pecan Pie, the French-Canadian Sugar Pie or the Scottish Ecclefechan Butter Tarts the exact origin of the Butter Tart is unknown. However, Canadian's consider the Butter Tart to be an undisputed national favourite, despite the texture of the pastry's filling being constantly debated (should it have a runny filling or a firm filling? Read more on the debate here)
Algonquin Park, Northern Ontario
Recipe courtesy of Jane McLean


  1. yumm, these look good .
    & yeah apparently they're dating ! ahha and i follow dustin (ma homeboyyy) on twitter and he posts stuff like 'hanging out with jessica' and so on .. ouuuuuh the rumor mill is in action .

  2. well these look gooooooodddddd!!! ;)

    thanks for coming by and leaving me that really encouraging comment ;)


  3. mmmmm I love love love butter tarts...who knew they were genuine Candiana! YUM!

  4. Ohh thank you thank you thank you for the amazing recipe !! I have to try these out one day!!!!

  5. Ohh thank you thank you thank you

  6. I really appreciate it, I visit more often for updates, keep up the great work!


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