23 March 2009

Snoop Dogg Millionaire


Okay, if you've been reading the blog since we started out (January) you'll know that I have quite an affection for Dubstep music. You may not have known however that I am also a MASSIVE Snoop Dogg fan.

Okay. This has NOTHING to do with Canadian arts OR culture, but I have to post this link up, cause I'm tres excited.

This news comes Via Maddecent.com/blog

This is the last mix from Snoop and Wild Animals for their new track. It's Snoop and the Hustle Boyz ft. Tanvi Shah. It's being hailed as a "Dubstep breakthrough". (Very exciting stuff.)
The original mix is called Eastern Jam by Chase and Status (also a flawless track). Some love what Snoop has done... some hate it. Take a listen and decide for yourself.

Snoop Dogg Millionaire Feat. Tanvi Shah of Slum Dog Millionaire (Dirty Version): Listen here

Freaking out!-


  1. This is the Craziest mix I've EVER heard!!! Bollywood meets, LA rap meets UK Dubstep. OMG... FLIPPING AWESOME!

  2. why do you like snoop? why why why why why?

  3. I don't KNOOOOOWWWW!!!!! I just love him. lol. It's something about that weasel-like face and smooth and drawled out rapping.

    "Rollin down the street, smokin' indo, sippin' on gin and juice
    Laid back [with my mind on my money and my money on my mind]"


  4. This is stupid, that guy just enjoy taking out money from stupid people who buy he's music, I can't understand why people can understand this...


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